Snitch, a Bengaluru-based D2C fashion brand, is ambitiously positioning itself as India’s Zara, according to founder and CEO Siddharth Dungarwal. With rapid offline expansion, Snitch has already opened over seven stores and is on track to reach its goal of 30 stores by the end of the fiscal year. Their 10,000 sq. ft. flagship store in HSR Layout, Bengaluru, marks a significant milestone in this journey.
Growth and Vision
Under the tagline “Made in India for the World,” Snitch experienced remarkable growth of over 150% in FY 2023-2024. The brand’s primary focus is on delivering fast, quality fashion that resonates with Gen Z and millennials, who often feel disconnected from traditional Indian brands like Allen Solly and Louis Philippe. By providing trendy fashion at affordable prices, Snitch competes with international brands like Zara and H&M, effectively filling a gap in the market.
Customer-Centric Approach
From its inception, Snitch has been dedicated to offering a seamless customer experience, particularly through hassle-free returns and refunds. Dungarwal emphasizes that 70% of their business is driven by the overall customer experience, while 30% is attributed to product quality. This customer-centric approach has been instrumental in building a loyal customer base.
Their fast-paced supply chain, capable of launching new products within 25 days, ensures that the brand remains fresh and relevant in the ever-changing fashion landscape.
Future Plans
While Snitch is currently focused on menswear, there are no immediate plans to venture into women’s fashion. The brand’s growth strategy for the next 18-24 months prioritizes continued expansion in the men’s category and an increased offline presence.
Snitch’s commitment to providing stylish, affordable, and quality fashion positions it as a strong contender in the Indian fashion industry, potentially setting the stage for it to become India’s answer to Zara.