Actor Vikrant Massey, who is actively promoting his upcoming movie, has recently revealed that he has been receiving threats on social media. During an interview, Massey expressed his deep concern for the safety of his nine-month-old son, Vardhaan, highlighting how unsettling it is to have his child dragged into such troubling matters. The threats have understandably caused significant distress for the actor, who is worried about his family’s well-being.
Massey shared his frustration and anxiety over the situation, pointing out that these online threats have targeted not just him but also his innocent child. He lamented the fact that his son, who hasn’t even started walking yet, has been mentioned in the threats. This unwarranted attention towards his family has amplified his worries, leading to public discussions about the impact of social media harassment on personal lives.
Despite the unsettling threats, Massey remains focused on his professional commitments and continues to promote his film with determination. The actor has taken a stand against the harassment, emphasizing the importance of speaking out and addressing such issues openly. His courage in the face of adversity highlights his commitment to both his craft and his family, showcasing his strength and resilience.
The revelation has sparked a wider conversation about the responsibilities of social media platforms in protecting individuals from online harassment. Massey’s situation underscores the need for stronger measures to safeguard public figures and their families from such threats. As the release date of his film approaches, the actor’s candidness about the challenges he faces serves as a powerful reminder of the real-world impact of digital threats and the importance of addressing them proactively.