Suhana Khan, daughter of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, recently created quite a buzz by sharing a playful birthday wish for her rumored boyfriend, Agastya Nanda. In a goofy monochrome photo posted on her Instagram story, Suhana is seen tugging on Agastya’s ear while he responds with a charming smile. Suhana’s chic tube dress and the simple caption, “Happy Birthday” with a wink emoji, added a sweet touch to the already adorable moment.
Rumors about Suhana and Agastya dating have been circulating for a while, especially since their debut together in Zoya Akhtar’s OTT film “The Archies.” Despite the gossip, neither has confirmed their relationship. However, their frequent outings and public appearances together continue to fuel speculation, leaving fans eagerly guessing about their bond.
In addition to Suhana’s post, Agastya’s sister, Navya Naveli Nanda, also celebrated her brother’s birthday with a heartfelt tribute. She shared a collage of two pictures: one from their childhood and a recent one, both capturing endearing sibling moments. Navya’s message, “Happy birthday Jr! I love you,” along with a red heart emoji, highlighted the close relationship they share.
On the career front, Suhana is preparing for her big-screen debut in “The King,” directed by Sujoy Ghosh, alongside her father. Agastya, meanwhile, is gearing up for “Ekkis,” a biopic about the 1971 war hero Arun Khetarpal. As they both embark on exciting new ventures in their acting careers, fans are eagerly following their journeys, both on and off the screen.