Renowned Kannada actor Shivarajkumar recently opened up about his health challenges during an interview. The actor, who is currently busy completing the shoot for his upcoming film 45, revealed his plans to head to the USA in January for surgery. Shivarajkumar’s candid discussion about his health has touched many fans and followers, shedding light on his resilience and determination.
Shivarajkumar shared that initially, he was quite worried upon learning about his condition. He has already undergone two sessions of treatment and is preparing for four more before undergoing the surgery. His transparency about the situation underscores his strength and resolve in facing such personal challenges while continuing to fulfill his professional commitments.
The actor assured his fans that after a month of rest post-surgery, he plans to return to action. His positive outlook and commitment to his craft are evident as he balances his health and career. Shivarajkumar’s revelation has garnered widespread support and well-wishes from his fans, who are eagerly awaiting his speedy recovery and return to the screen.