Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor has recently rented out his luxurious apartment in Mumbai’s prestigious Three Sixty West, Worli. The property, originally purchased in May 2024 for Rs. 58.6 crore, spans 5,395 sq ft and includes three dedicated parking spaces. The lease agreement, registered on November 7, 2024, follows a tiered rental structure, starting at Rs. 20.5 lakh per month and gradually increasing to Rs. 23.98 lakh by the end of the five-year term.
Interestingly, the agreement also includes a rent-free period for the first 10 months, making it an attractive deal for the tenant. The apartment has been leased to Dipan Bhuptani, a senior executive at D’Decor Home Fabrics. This move reflects a growing trend among Bollywood celebrities to capitalize on their high-value properties in the luxury rental market.
On the professional front, Shahid Kapoor continues to shine with his upcoming projects. His next film, “Deva,” directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews, is set to release on February 14, 2025. Additionally, he has teamed up with filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj for another highly anticipated project.
Shahid and his wife Mira Rajput, who have been happily married since 2015, are proud parents to two children, Misha and Zain. As Shahid Kapoor ventures into the real estate rental market, fans eagerly await more updates on his professional and personal life.