Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood, recently made an appearance at a prestigious summit in Dubai, where he candidly spoke about his illustrious career and personal experiences. Known for his remarkable journey in the film industry, SRK did not shy away from discussing his vulnerabilities and how he copes with the ups and downs of his professional life.
During the summit, Shah Rukh Khan was asked about his approach to dealing with failures, a topic that resonates with many, given his status as a global superstar. When questioned if he is critical of his own work and how failures affect him, SRK revealed a very human side of himself. “I hate feeling this and then I cry a lot in my bathroom. I do not show it to anyone,” he confessed. His honesty struck a chord with the audience, showcasing his ability to remain grounded despite his fame.
SRK went on to share his philosophy on dealing with setbacks. He emphasized the importance of self-belief and not attributing failures to external factors or conspiracies. “You have to believe that the world is not against you. Your film did not go wrong because of you or because the world is conspiring against you. You have to believe that you made it badly. Then you have to move on,” he said. His pragmatic approach highlights the importance of personal responsibility and resilience in the face of adversity, inspiring many to adopt a positive mindset even during tough times.