Popular television actress Rupali Ganguly has made headlines by sending a legal notice to her stepdaughter, Esha Verma, seeking Rs 50 crore in compensation for defamation. This dramatic move follows Esha’s allegations on social media, accusing Rupali of having an extramarital affair with her father, Ashwin K Verma. Rupali, who is known for her role in the TV show “Anupamaa,” has vehemently denied these claims, describing them as baseless and harmful. She asserts that the accusations have tarnished her reputation and caused significant emotional and professional setbacks.
Rupali’s legal representative, Sana Raees Khan, issued a detailed statement explaining the reasons behind the defamation notice. According to the statement, Rupali is committed to standing against defamation and publicity stunts that aim to harm her integrity. The legal notice demands an unconditional public apology from Esha and a compensation of Rs 50 crore for the mental anguish and professional losses Rupali has endured. The notice also provides context about Rupali and Ashwin’s relationship, highlighting that they were friends for 12 years before marrying in 2013, after Ashwin’s separation from Esha’s mother.
In response to the legal notice, Esha Verma took to Instagram to reiterate her allegations against Rupali. In her video, Esha claimed that she never felt safe around Rupali and accused both Rupali and Ashwin of bullying her and her mother. She further alleged that Rupali’s career was built on deceit, adding fuel to the ongoing controversy. Esha’s response has garnered significant attention, intensifying the public interest in the family feud and the defamation case.
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