In a dramatic turn of events, Tamil star Nayanthara has publicly criticized actor-producer Dhanush over a legal dispute related to her upcoming Netflix documentary, “Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale.” The documentary, which offers a glimpse into Nayanthara’s professional and personal journey, has sparked controversy due to Dhanush’s refusal to grant permission for the use of certain clips from their 2015 film “Naanum Rowdy Dhaan.”
In a strongly-worded open letter posted on social media, Nayanthara accused Dhanush of harboring a personal grudge against her and her husband, filmmaker Vignesh Shivan. She questioned whether his decision was driven by personal vendetta rather than business considerations. Nayanthara described Dhanush’s legal notice, which demanded ₹10 crore for the use of three-second clips, as an “all-time low” and questioned his morality and public persona.
Nayanthara’s letter highlighted the emotional and moral aspects of the conflict, urging Dhanush to reflect on his actions and embrace positivity. She emphasized that cinema is a collaborative effort and criticized Dhanush for attempting to control the lives and freedom of those involved in the project.
The controversy has garnered significant attention, with fans and industry insiders weighing in on the matter. While Dhanush has not yet responded to the open letter, the release of “Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale” remains highly anticipated.
As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how both parties will resolve their differences and whether this dispute will impact their future collaborations.