In a record-breaking moment at the IPL 2025 mega auction held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Rishabh Pant has become the most expensive player in IPL history. The dynamic wicketkeeper-batsman was snapped up by the Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) for an astonishing ₹27 crore, surpassing all previous records. This massive bid underscores Pant’s immense value and the high expectations surrounding his performance.
Pant’s journey to this historic achievement is nothing short of inspiring. After a severe car accident in December 2022, he made a remarkable comeback in the IPL 2024 season, showcasing his fearless batting and unmatched energy on the field. Despite his stellar performance, the Delhi Capitals (DC) chose not to retain him, making him one of the hottest commodities at the auction.
The bidding war for Pant was intense, with franchises like Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) in fierce competition. Even the Delhi Capitals used their Right to Match (RTM) card in a bid to retain him. However, the Lucknow Super Giants eventually won out with their final, record-breaking offer. This marks a new chapter for Pant, who has played for DC since his debut in 2016.
Securing Pant is a significant boost for LSG, adding not just a top-tier batsman and a reliable wicketkeeper to their roster, but also a potential leader. His aggressive batting style and ability to perform under pressure make him a valuable asset. Fans are eagerly looking forward to seeing him in action with his new team and are hopeful for a stellar season.
Rishabh Pant’s record-setting deal is a testament to his resilience and exceptional talent. As he steps into this new role with LSG, the cricketing world will be watching closely, excited to see the heights he will reach. This historic acquisition not only elevates Pant’s career but also sets a new benchmark in the IPL.